Where's the good news?

By mlumadue on April 23, 2020

As no one could have predicted, those Flu Flux Flam rallies turned out to be total astroturf, and the vast majority of Americans want the lock-down to stay in place until it is truly safe. Well that covfefe of covidiots can console itself knowing that one of its organizers is on Trump's reopening task force. (It turns out that some hippy bought all those domain names, but it didn't stop the stupid.)

The Senate may not give anyone a choice about going back. Coming of the heals of passing an increase in funding for small business, McConnell has put a procedural roadblock in place to stop more bailouts money, and the next rescue is now in doubt. (Don't worry, big business will end up getting even more money.)

Since this is the worst timeline, canceling stay-at-home orders could not be better planned, as The Center for Public Integrity points out that doing so could lead to 300,000 deaths (using the government's own projections), and you don't need to be an MIT simulation to know that relaxing the restrictions will lead to a spike in cases. There's even one model out there that shows major changes in the approach are needed to keep a lid on the whole situation. We all know that won't happen. For example, a medical supplier is claiming that FEMA seized 400,000 N95 masks meant for NYC and they're just sitting there on a loading dock at JFK (for now). Of course re-opening won't do a dang thing to help the economy, and it doesn't take a Nobel Prize wining economist to know that this will all lead the United States into a depression.

Oh you wanted good news? Fine, here it is... This past March was the first March without a school shooting in 18 years. Happy?

Moar news...

Finally freaking fusion, fer crying out loud.

More than a million facebook user's phone numbers are for sale on the "dark web". Felete Dacebook!

Lebanon becomes the first Middle Eastern nation to legalize it. It is also the world's third largest producer?

Joe Biden calls for U.S. to be carbon-neutral by 2050... 50 years too late. Lock-box.

YouTube banning coronavirus information that doesn't align with The World Health Organization. Will end up demonetizing The Who's YouTube channel.

Kewl dings from 'round da web...

• Need to save your old reel to reel tapes? Get 'em baked.

Snake named after Harry Potter historical character. No, not Newt Scamander.

• Looks like we may get flying cars if the Air Force has anything to say about it.

Virus Detection Glasses. That is all.

• And the coolest thing on da web... Apple products that never was

I want a Mac Color Classic IIIw.